Tag: nicolena stiles
Apr. 29, 2016
Drexel Drag Show hosted by RuPaul’s Jujubee
Greeted by the event’s largest crowd to date, drag kings and queens took to the stage of the Main Auditorium for Drexel University’s fifth annual…

Feb. 25, 2016
Featured this week: Playing the feminist game – Anita Sarkeesian talks on gender in video game culture at ExCITe Center
In the world of video game journalism and review, there is one name that everyone knows: Anita Sarkeesian. She became famous in 2012, when she…

Aug. 2, 2015
Decade long study brings new antenna to the market
Seeing things differently is nothing new to Dr. Kapil Dandekar, a professor in Drexel’s College of Engineering and director of the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory.…
Jun. 4, 2015
Don’t be a drag, be a queen: RuPaul’s Raven performs at 4th annual student drag show
Welcomed by the roar of more than a hundred in the audience, drag queens and kings took the stage at Drexel University’s fourth annual drag…
May. 28, 2015
Engineering new understanding: Ex3 courses target non-engineers
Bill Eisenstein, a founding professor of the new Ex3 course suite at Drexel University, believes that there is something very wrong with what students are…

May. 21, 2015
Fry addresses on campus anti-Semitic incident
In an official mailing sent May 17, Drexel University President John A. Fry shed additional light on an anti-Semitic incident that occurred in a residence…

Apr. 30, 2015
‘Philly is Baltimore’ takes over Dilworth Park
City Hall stood at the center of a resurgence of a movement that changed the face of history and marked the year 1964 as a…

Apr. 24, 2015
495 denied Drexel applicants sent acceptance letters
As hundreds of high school seniors anxiously wait to get a “yes” or a “no” from their university of choice, about 500 Drexel University hopefuls…

Apr. 9, 2015
Freshman hosts Philadelphia’s first ‘all-women’ student hackathon
In a move to encourage more women to network in the programming field, Andrea Baric, a Drexel University software engineering freshman, put together FemmeHacks, Philadelphia’s…

Feb. 26, 2015
Professor teams up with TechGirlz to teach game design
Frank Lee is not unfamiliar with the idea of using games and technology to inspire. As the mastermind behind the massive games of Tetris and…