
CrowdStrike strikes out
Last week on Friday, July 19, thousands of fliers across the United States fought their way through TSA security only to arrive at their gates…
12 hours ago • By and
Mental health and the quarter system dilemma at Drexel
Perhaps I am delusional, but I evidently remember back in highschool when professors and peers alike would rave about the freedom and mental space you…
2 weeks ago • By
Why is tipping such a sensitive topic?
America can not seem to avoid this recently controversial question, “Add a tip?”  Whether you are out for dinner, or at the bar having a…
2 weeks ago • By
The gray area between free speech and hate speech
A few weeks ago, my friend introduced me to the Fizz App, a platform where users  anonymously post their ramblings and inner monologues with little…
2 months ago • By
Jun. 7, 2024
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Jun. 5, 2024
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