Tag: green
Oct. 4, 2024
The hidden costs of blocking student greenspace access
On a typical fall term day where the weather permits, the gray brick paths, wooden benches, bright green trees and the always popular elevated turf…

Nov. 9, 2018
Student government lobbies for sustainability officer
The Undergraduate Student Government Association has been working to improve sustainability on the Drexel University campus. This includes a recent program to encourage reusable containers…
May. 23, 2014
Disparities found in green ratings
Jeffrey Beard, an associate professor in the Department of Construction Management in the College of Engineering, recently compared two programs that certify buildings as environmentally…

May. 9, 2014
EPA ranks Drexel in top 100 for green power usage
Drexel University has been ranked 57th in the 2014 National Top 100 list of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for being one of the…

Oct. 4, 2013
Smart House plans green TEDx
The Drexel Smart House is serving as a green consultant for the TEDxDrexelU event “The Next X,” or the next unknown, Oct. 5 in the…

Oct. 14, 2011
Treasurer grants energy funding
State Treasurer Rob McCord announced Oct. 5 that Drexel University will be the inaugural participant in the Campus Energy Efficiency Fund program. Drexel University will…
Oct. 14, 2011
Drexel Smart House wins green technology award
The World Green Energy Symposium announced Drexel Smart House as the recipient of the 2011 WGES NOVA award Oct. 1 because of its student-led initiative…