Tag: Good Idea Fund
Mar. 7, 2014
Nelson Mandela Remembered
The Good Idea Fund sponsored an event honoring Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa and one of the primary figures in the…

Jan. 29, 2014
Sports team professionals discuss networking in the industry
Several prominent professionals from Philadelphia’s major sports teams attended the first Sports Professionals Networking Dinner Jan. 23 in Behrakis Grand Hall. The Good Idea Fund,…
May. 31, 2013
Small World Gala features international performances
The International Student Union, in participation with The Good Idea Fund, sponsored the inaugural It’s a Small World Gala May 25. The black-tie gala was…
May. 5, 2011
CoAS hosts Sir Salman Rushdie
Sir Salman Rushdie, award winning and internationally recognized author, spoke at the inaugural College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series May 4. Rushdie’s appearance…