Tag: freshman
Sep. 18, 2023
Guide to Drexel campus food
If you are a freshman here at Drexel University, you probably already bought a very expensive unlimited meal plan. Rest assured, there will be many…
Sep. 18, 2023
Dorm living: do’s and don’ts
Welcome to Drexel University! You have moved into your first college dorm and are ready to begin a new chapter in your life. Dorm living…
Sep. 23, 2022
Who are the newest Drexel Dragons? A quick overview of the class of 2026/27
With the beginning of the new academic year, Drexel University has welcomed 2,990 freshmen after receiving about 37,085 applications for the class of 2026/2027. Since…
May. 22, 2020
Breaking down the college years
Recently, it has begun to dawn on me that my days as a Drexel Dragon and a college student in general are coming to an…
Sep. 27, 2019
College teaches students more than just academic subjects
With senior year finally being in full swing, I have to say that I feel a surprising lack of anxiety. Normally, with the start of…
Sep. 27, 2019
If you want to improve your sleeping habits, start exercising
In my three years of being a Drexel University Dragon, one of the things that I’ve found to be extremely important to my success is…
Sep. 27, 2019
Tackle the first quarter of the year with some helpful tips
Dear Freshmen, Welcome to Drexel University, home of the Dragons and the birthplace of your newfound fear of the quarter system. I write this with…
Jun. 8, 2018
Campus prepares for record-breaking freshman class
As Drexel University anticipates its largest-ever incoming freshman class, Campus Services has been gearing up to solidify housing plans while also enhancing dining options to…
Dec. 8, 2017
Phorming your Philly phamily
It was not too long ago when almost every staff member and current student of Drexel University repeatedly told us college newbies how fast the…
Dec. 1, 2017
Get schooled in college: survival tips for freshmen
The first time we hear the cliche and overused phrase “college is nothing like high school” is when we hold our first college acceptance letter…