Tag: Ann Haftl
Apr. 6, 2018
Not co-oped up in one place
For most Drexel University students, this past April 2 marked the return to either classes for spring quarter or co-op for the spring-summer co-op cycle.…

Mar. 16, 2018
Center for Food and Hospitality Management held annual Philly Chef Conference
The Center for Food and Hospitality Management hosted the 2018 Philly Chef Conference on March 11 and 12. Each year at the conference, chefs, foodies…

Feb. 23, 2018
Academic Bistro serves up soup
The Academic Bistro lunch program run out of the Center for Food and Hospitality Management is once again serving up a deal that diners can’t…

Mar. 10, 2017
Philly Chef Conference brings food, flavor to campus
The 2017 Philly Chef Conference brought chefs, hospitality experts and restaurant professionals from all over the country to the Drexel University campus March 5 and…

Nov. 11, 2016
On-campus housing
University Crossings University Crossings, an American Campus Communities property, is located at 3175 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Most Drexel students could pick out the building…

Nov. 5, 2016
EAT Cafe brings affordable dining
EAT Cafe opened its doors as a full-service, pay-what-you-wish restaurant Oct. 26, at an 11 a.m. ribbon cutting ceremony. EAT Cafe is the first of…

Oct. 21, 2016
Gender neutral housing available for all students
Following the Supreme Court’s decision that established a constitutional right to same-sex marriage June 26, 2016, the country has moved towards policies that esteem equality…

Sep. 23, 2016
Drexel hosts second Welcome Week
Drexel University welcomed incoming students at Welcome Week 2016. The orientation ran from Sept. 10 through Sept. 18 and hosted a wide variety of…

Sep. 9, 2016
A year in the life at Drexel University: Everything you missed in 2015-2016
Drexel University is an extremely fast-paced college, and that’s not limited to the quarter system. Over the last year alone, Drexel’s campus and administrative policies…

Sep. 9, 2016
Student deals
People joke about being a broke college student all the time, and while it seems like an over-exaggeration (how many millennials are living wonderful lives…