Tag: world
Dec. 8, 2023
Everyone should study abroad at least once
Drexel University offers several short-term study abroad courses called intensive courses abroad. These ICAs are typically taken during breaks between quarters and are followed by…

Nov. 30, 2018
Study Abroad Office encourages students to travel internationally with FIE Passport Day
On a snowy November afternoon in Philadelphia, many Drexel University students were envisioning themselves in exotic locations and traveling the world. The Study Abroad Office…

May. 16, 2014
Dornsife establish global partnership
Drexel University announced the creation of the Dornsife Global Development Scholars program May 5, with the support of long-time benefactors David and Dana Dornsife. The…

Apr. 18, 2014
International gala celebrates culture
The eighth annual International Gala took place in the Recreation Center April 11, featuring the theme “Dragons Around the World.” Two hundred fifty Drexel students…

Apr. 16, 2014
ISU holds “Dragons Around the World” Gala
The eighth annual International Gala took place in the Recreation Center April 11, featuring the theme “Dragons Around the World.” Two hundred fifty Drexel students…

Jun. 8, 2012
Students win U.S. Imagine Cup title
The winners of the U.S. title in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup competition were selected to participate in the worldwide finals in Sydney this July for their…
May. 4, 2012
Team Wins U.S. Imagine Cup and advances to Worlds
Three Drexel computer science undergraduates claimed the U.S. title at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Competition, which was held April 20-23 in Seattle, for their design of…