Tag: homeless
Aug. 10, 2018
Don’t overlook the homeless
The number of homeless people living on Philadelphia streets continues to rise along with the opioid epidemic. In places like Kensington and Center City, where…

Apr. 10, 2015
Homelessness is caused by more than just inheritence
I would like to share with you the evolution of what being civically engaged meant to me while volunteering at the soup kitchen held by…

Oct. 31, 2014
Students cook HOME-made sauce
Drexel students under chef Richard Pepino Jr. joined anti-poverty nonprofit Project Oct. 28 at the Free Library of Philadelphia to make and jar “Sister Mary’s…

May. 30, 2014
Hans donates food to local shelter
One of the newest organizations on campus, the Drexel Hunger & Homelessness Prevention Coalition, has recently teamed up with fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha, Epsilon Kappa…

Apr. 18, 2014
Back on My Feet reaches out to 33rd and Baring
The Philadelphia-based organization Back on My Feet launched a new team April 9 based out of Veteran’s House, which will be hosting runs near Drexel’s…

May. 24, 2013
Dear Eloise
Dear Eloise, Now that you’ve given me all those tips on how to spend my summer, I can’t wait, especially because most of my…