Tag: hackathon
Jan. 22, 2016
24 hours of tech at Dragon Hacks 2016
Drexel University’s second annual 24-hour hackathon, Dragon Hacks 2016, was held over the course of two days, from Jan. 16 to Jan.17. Partnered with Major…

Apr. 9, 2015
Freshman hosts Philadelphia’s first ‘all-women’ student hackathon
In a move to encourage more women to network in the programming field, Andrea Baric, a Drexel University software engineering freshman, put together FemmeHacks, Philadelphia’s…

Jun. 27, 2014
IS Majors design winning malaria aid application
Three Drexel undergraduates created a text messaging-based tool over the course of one weekend that could potentially improve the lives of millions of people in…