Tag: anthropology
May. 5, 2017
Opening old wounds and graves
Philadelphia native H. H. Holmes, subject of Erik Larson’s popular 2003 book “Devil in the White City,” was convicted and sentenced to death in the…

Sep. 17, 2015
Triangle Talks with the Drexel Anthropological Association
Douglas Whitmire is the president and founder of the Drexel Anthropological Association. He is a senior Anthropology student who also enjoys horticulture. Triangle Talks: How would…

May. 8, 2014
Hunters, gatherers and you
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending “Love, Lust and Loathing: The Science Behind Our Strongest Emotions,” organized by the Philadelphia Science Festival. Of…
Nov. 1, 2013
The folly of objectivism
There is, perhaps, nothing more insulting to university students than to be told, however politely, that their major is worthless. A waste of time. Or,…