Tag: weight
Jul. 27, 2018
Drexel’s new WELL clinic helps with eating disorders, weight management
Drexel University might be one step closer to a lasting solution for the millions of Americans with eating disorders and struggling with weight management. The…

Apr. 27, 2018
Drexel connects weight stigma with avoidance of doctors
A study published by the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University shows that women with a higher body mass index tend to shy…

Apr. 8, 2016
Separation of worth and weight
I feel fat today. Growing up, I definitely struggled with my weight. I was into sports, but even when I was my most fit self,…

Dec. 7, 2012
Weighty thoughts on resolutions
In less than a month, it will be time to propose New Year’s resolutions. Unsurprisingly, the New Year’s resolution that finds itself at the top…