Tag: mantua
Oct. 4, 2024
Mantua Worldwide to host street cleanup
This weekend on Oct. 5, Drexel University students will join residents of the Mantua neighborhood for “Clean, Green and Serene,” a community street cleanup. This…

Jun. 7, 2024
Drexel Community Wellness HUB provides essential public health solutions
Drexel University’s CNHP Community Wellness Heal Unite Bridge, located in the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships, created in 2017, is a center dedicated to addressing…

Feb. 28, 2020
Gentrification in West Philly continues to spread
The slow advancement of gentrification in West Philadelphia appears to have reached 52nd street, and many West Philly locals are unhappy. Talk of proposed improvements…

Sep. 14, 2019
West Philadelphia’s best features lie just beyond campus
Drexel University’s and University of Pennsylvania’s campuses combine to create “University City,” which takes the form of an urban college town. They have the feel…

Aug. 19, 2016
Pay-what-you-wish EAT Cafe to open in September
EAT (Everyone At the Table) Cafe, located at 3820 Lancaster Avenue, will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony to honor its opening as a non-profit organization…

Jan. 22, 2016
Dornsife center connects campus to community
A short way from the intersection of 35th and Spring Garden streets sits a large white mansion surrounded by a brick schoolhouse, a meeting hall…

Apr. 4, 2014
University purchases two closed schools
The School Reform Commission of Philadelphia confirmed the purchase of six vacant school properties for a total of $37 million March 20. Of the purchases,…

Jan. 31, 2014
Our neighborhood outlook just got more promising
Drexel’s longstanding commitment to improving conditions in the West Philadelphia neighborhoods of Powelton Village and Mantua is no longer just a local effort. The community…
Nov. 30, 2012
Gentrification comes to West Philly
As a lifetime resident of the Greater Philadelphia area, I have a connection to the City of Brotherly Love that students from other areas may…
Jul. 20, 2012
Fossils found by professor might date to infamous day of extinction
Kenneth Lacovara, an associate professor in the Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences’ department of biology, has been evacuating fossils from the late Cretaceous…