Tag: healthcare
Jan. 17, 2025
How bad is Drexel student health insurance?
Every student at Drexel University is required to have health insurance. Students can either have their own coverage that meets certain requirements such as coverage…
May. 29, 2020
Promoting the College of Medicine
Drexel University and Tower Health have been collaboratively working toward creating a new College of Medicine facility in Wyomissing, Berks County. The last beam was…
Mar. 13, 2020
When a career path is chosen to help your family
Naomi Kaufman knew she was going to become a nurse from a young age. Having grown up in the suburbs of Philly, she was familiar…

Feb. 7, 2020
Philadelphia’s healthcare issue continues to grow
It comes as no surprise that there is a correlation between income levels and health outcomes, with the wealthiest Americans living a lifespan that is…

Jan. 17, 2020
Final debate before the Iowa Caucus lacked diversity
The first democratic debate of 2020 — which was the seventh in the primary cycle and the last before the Iowa Caucus — was held…
May. 31, 2019
IIeX Health set for Philly
If you’re a fan of learning about the newest and best business insights, listening to the startups and new companies who are recreating the current…

Apr. 27, 2018
Drexel connects weight stigma with avoidance of doctors
A study published by the Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University shows that women with a higher body mass index tend to shy…

Oct. 20, 2017
Gun control: not the only issue to address
What can we do about Vegas? As the pundits analyze the Las Vegas shooting, the same questions will be analyzed ad nauseam. What was his…

May. 12, 2017
New healthcare: a major scare
On May 4 the House of Representatives voted to replace the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. The American Health Care Act of 2017…

Nov. 14, 2014
Panel talks on Obamacare after Republican take over
A panel of three experts in the healthcare field gathered Nov. 6 in the Thomas R. Kline School of Law to discuss “Obamacare After the…