IIeX Health set for Philly | The Triangle

IIeX Health set for Philly

Flyer courtesy of IIeX Health North America.

If you’re a fan of learning about the newest and best business insights, listening to the startups and new companies who are recreating the current market or want to network with dozens of potential employers, IIeX Health is the place to be next week.

Innovation Insight Exchange Health will be taking over the Westin Philadelphia to create a hotbed of creative conversations and interactions between employers at all levels of the company chains, clients and job-seekers alike June 3-4. IIeX Health is set up in a very similar style to a TEDx Talk event, with many speakers getting about 20 minutes to speak on a topic.

This largely healthcare and business event will be bringing in dozens of the biggest companies in pharma and healthcare to explain how they are achieving more impactful returns in their businesses. With 65 speakers spread out over the two-day event, there will be plenty of opportunities to listen to a speaker who could very well leave a lasting mark on your career.

The arguably most notable speaker is Ben Singer, who is the innovation design strategist at Humana. Singer helps teams across the country work with experimentation in the workplace for better results. Singer is best known for helping Humana conduct user research — a very out of the ordinary tactic — that helped transform it into a $37 billion company with over 13 million customers in the US.

As a primarily educational event, IIeX Health appeals to business, marketing and health science majors with equal amounts of interest. For anyone who isn’t majoring in those specific areas of study, IIeX also appeals to anyone who is interested in research or the processes behind research, to learn about new methods being used by companies today. There is the potential for lot to be learned from attending IIeX simply due to the caliber of its speakers and the sheer amount of companies in attendance.

There will be plentiful opportunities for meaningful connections to be made, especially thanks to planned network breaks in the agenda. There is a registration conversation session both mornings, planned mid-morning and lunch and midday networking breaks, and then evening receptions on both days.

Chelsea Salvador, marketing coordinator for Green Book — the “Visionary Sponsor” for IIeX 2019 — was able to speak to just how big the scope of IIeX is around the US and other countries.

Back in April, IIeX North America was in Houston for three days, and not even two weeks after Philadelphia, IIeX Latin America will be hosting a similar event in Medellin, Colombia. From there, a break in the summer will take place before events in New York City and Boston in the fall, before finally going to London to wrap up the 2019 campaign.

“Because IIeX is only in Philadelphia, [the event] gets around 3,000-3,500 people in attendance,” Salvador explained. While Salvador did say that it’s mostly for college students and interns, the event is open for anyone who is interested.

However, the price of attending this event won’t come cheap. For the All-Access Pass, it will cost you $675. For students, academics, non-profit organizations or startup companies (companies that are younger than three years old) the price is severely discounted. But with all of that being said, the cost of attending for those demographics is still $345.

If you have the time and money to spare, IIeX is set to make a large impact on the Philadelphia healthcare and business community next week. Expect a large influx of tourists over the weekend and a crowded city center come this Monday and Tuesday, and the event might even spillover into the hotels located in University City.

For more information regarding the event, go to the IIeX website: https://iiexhealth.insightinnovation.org/home.