Tag: global
Dec. 8, 2023
Everyone should study abroad at least once
Drexel University offers several short-term study abroad courses called intensive courses abroad. These ICAs are typically taken during breaks between quarters and are followed by…

Mar. 8, 2019
Academy panel: city’s grapple with inevitable climate change
A panel held at The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University March 4 titled “Tomorrow Is Now: How Will We Survive a Changing Climate?”…

Dec. 7, 2018
ISSS helps international students unite over coffee
International students were invited to attend a Coffee Talk Nov. 27 to discuss their concerns, having been exposed to a new environment, as part of…
Nov. 2, 2018
Seeing the world differently: a Drexel study abroad column
A junior film major got an insider’s perspective of two cities historically entrenched with bouts of violence — Dublin, Ireland, and Amman, Jordan, — during…

Feb. 6, 2015
Mobile app provides 24/7 emotional support to students worldwide
7 Cups of Tea (also called 7 Cups) is a new mobile app and website that allows college students to get 24/7 emotional support from…

Nov. 16, 2012
Statistics about global violence manipulate politics
Professor Amelia Hoover Green of Drexel’s history and politics department gave a seminar Nov. 14 titled “Speaking Stats to Power,” which addressed the various flaws…
Apr. 6, 2012
Senior named Carnegie Junior Fellow
Nevena Bosnic, a senior economics major, was selected March 9 as a 2012-13 Carnegie Junior Fellow in the International Economics program of the Carnegie Endowment…