Tag: fox news
Jul. 13, 2018
Everyone’s voice matters
In our previous issue of The Triangle, we ran an op-ed written by Drexel University professor Robert Zaller, titled “It has happened here: fascism in…

Apr. 7, 2017
Soldier tweet sparks mixed responses
On March 26, George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel University associate professor of political science, tweeted: “Some guy gave up his first-class seat for a uniformed…

Feb. 20, 2015
Fox news announcer apologizes for Muslims ‘no-go’ report
In the wake of the terrorist attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the days of violence that followed, global attention focused on the tensions that often…

May. 9, 2014
CoAS hosts religious scholar
Speaking before a dramatic collage of various depictions of the Christ, New YorkTimes bestselling author and renowned religious scholar Reza Aslan addressed a crowd of…