Some Positive Impacts of COVID- 19 | The Triangle

Some Positive Impacts of COVID- 19

We have heard time and time again about how much COVID-19 has impacted all our lives. We know that, at Drexel, one of the most significant draws for students is co-op. For some, their first and only co-op that was affected; for others, it was one of three.

No one expected what 2020 was going to entail. When March and April came around, co-ops started getting postponed or even canceled. My co-op at Olympik Tots Childcare was supposed to start in March but was delayed until June. I learned about the co-op from my advisor, and I soon realized that the position interested me. One of my friends that goes to Drexel, Lauren Hermann, had a co-op at ALS Center of Hope at Temple University. Although some of the work was postponed and limited, she said “it was hard to get the interaction, but it felt good to work with a team.” She learned about independence in the workforce and completing collaborative work with other coworkers. In addition to working with a team, she had conversations over the phone with patients. This was out of her comfort zone, but she learned much from it. Just like her, you may find yourself in a position that you never thought you would ever consider doing, but keeping an open mind before the co-op application process begins is a good trait to have because it shows resilience to employers.

We should stay hopeful. Although classes are online this fall quarter, we must take advantage of every opportunity to succeed. Try to make zoom classes fun, make connections with faculty, and lastly make the best out of the situation that we are all in. As a five-year student, I have two more co-ops left. Open-mindedness is key because there might be something you were not originally drawn toward. The one you least expect can be a life-changing moment in your lives. I did not ever expect to work at a daycare, but it made me realize that I did not want to be a teacher. But if it were not for this experience, I would not have had any personal experience being a co-teacher.

During my co-op, something that I cherished was making a mark on the lives of children during this time. Younger kids are more susceptible to what is happening around them. Every mark that is made in their lives could impact their future both short term and long term. Even during this time, we should stay open-minded for what is to come.