Patience will pay off in your co-op search | The Triangle

Patience will pay off in your co-op search

Photograph courtesy of Drexel University.

In college, life can pass you by pretty quickly, and you may feel like you’re missing out on it all because you’re drowning in assignments and deadlines. The co-op search only adds to all the stress, especially when you feel like you may never find the right job for yourself.

After searching for seemingly forever to find an appealing job on the Steinbright Career Development Center’s portal, I applied to very few jobs for A-round. I also conducted my own job search and applied for at least 10 positions, but I have only heard back from one company. So, it’s onto B-round I go, and I have to stay hopeful and actively search while also being a full-time student.

This is a struggle that Drexel students know all too well. The co-op search can be intimidating, despite the guidance we receive from Steinbright counselors. If you have found yourself in a similar situation to mine, just remember to keep searching, open your options and, in the midst of it all, not lose focus on classes and homework.

While most students who will go on co-op in the spring/summer like me will be anticipating interviews and results over the winter break, I will be continuing my independent job search. I have become obsessed with searching through several job sites every day. I’m excited for the break, but I already can’t wait to be back so that B-round can start. I am hopeful there will be more jobs that stand out to me, but when searching for a job, it’s important to just keep looking. You never know what you could miss out on if you don’t search daily for at least a few minutes. Thousands of jobs are posted every day, and I can’t live with the anxiety of missing out on the perfect job.

I am a four-year, one co-op student, so getting a great co-op is essential for me. However, I have to remember to keep my options open, or else I won’t be satisfied with anything I find. This is especially important to remember if you are in a career field like journalism or communication. Most of the jobs on SCDC for my major are related to marketing and PR, but I’m more interested in journalism and possibly working in a newsroom. I will most likely have to compromise on what I believe to be the best job for me. It’s just important to remember that although it may not be exactly the position you desired, you may still learn valuable skills and gain experience that will be helpful to you in your career.

The co-op search is time-consuming and requires plenty of attention, but it’s crucial not to forget about your workload. Being a full-time student on top of being in pursuit of a full-time job is overwhelming. Don’t panic, because hopefully, your professors are understanding of any struggles you may have because they have had many students before going through the same situation. However, don’t lose your handle on your assignments and due dates. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it, but just don’t dedicate every ounce of your energy to finding a job while neglecting homework that needs to be done.

It’s ok to go to B-round. At first, I was scared I would never find the right co-op for me, but I just have to be patient. For any students in the same boat as me, just hold on, stay focused and don’t panic. The right job is somewhere out there, and I’m determined to find it.