Films Have Raised Us | The Triangle

Films Have Raised Us

As a culture, in America, we constantly make reference to classics films of every genre. Whether it be “Pretty Woman,” “Back to the Future,” “The Pianist” or “The Godfather” these movies have left an imprint on the generations they raised and their children. Sometimes we can forget how significantly media books and movies have affected each generation.

With that said: there’s a correlation between the rise of films and the decline of books. Netflix is constantly growing, adding more titles and raising its price. Are movies the new books now? Are we ignoring a staple of culture or just adding something new to the mix? Books can’t disappear but more and more people reference movies rather than books in daily life. Movies have become something that brings people together as well.

You cannot compare the two because they each have an enormous impact on the consumer. Films evoke powerful emotions with specific images in tactful ways. Books can do the same, but they allow for a more individual experience and journey, almost an escape from life.

I can always count on watching certain movies to stir strong feelings in me. I always appreciate that I could watch someone’s art and leave seeing the world differently. Each major film collectively influenced a whole generation strongly and we can see it now.

Many sources on the internet say that “The Hunger Games” was among one of the most defining movies for Gen Z. The dystopian theme is very prevalent in content from that time (2012). Growing up post-2008 recession made kids witness financial problems and darkness. “The Hunger Games” has a general aesthetic of darkness however, it also has so much hope. There’s a lot of passion and survival for the light at the end of the tunnel.

This only makes me wonder what movies our generation will create for future generations to enjoy. How will films reflect on 2020 and this socially distanced time in our lives? We can only wait to get some popcorn and find out.