Tag: violence
Apr. 12, 2019
Take Back the Night unites Drexel and Penn
Over 100 students gathered around Locust Walk the night of April 4 over one thing: sexual assault. The keynote speaker, Sonalee Rashatwar , a sex…
Apr. 12, 2019
Our city needs something
It is uncommon for any of us, as college students in Philadelphia, to be bothered when we hear that someone was shot or killed in…
Feb. 8, 2019
Public Health event explores role of public health in violent conflict
Two public health experts delivered presentations Feb. 4 to a packed audience at the Violent Conflict, Refugees and Health event that examined the role public…
Jan. 11, 2019
Professors investigate how messaging influences policymaking regarding child development
Jonathan Purtle, an assistant professor for Drexel University’s Dornsife School of Public Health, received a $500,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to research…
Nov. 2, 2018
Seeing the world differently: a Drexel study abroad column
A junior film major got an insider’s perspective of two cities historically entrenched with bouts of violence — Dublin, Ireland, and Amman, Jordan, — during…
Mar. 16, 2018
Blame the players not the video game
It’s been almost a month since the Parkland shooting and it seems like gun control isn’t going to go away so easily. Of course, there…
Mar. 2, 2018
Stop ignoring Syria’s conflict
“He always told me he wants to die and go to heaven because there is food there. He’s only a child, enough is enough, God.”…
Feb. 16, 2018
It happened again
At what point did “it happened again,” change from a statement to a question? On Feb. 14 — Valentine’s Day — a 19-year-old Floridian named…
Dec. 1, 2017
Before lashing out, try listening
Today, as I follow Western world leaders’ responses to increasing violence, I am astounded by blind patriotism which has become the hallmark of reactions. President…
Oct. 20, 2017
Gun control: not the only issue to address
What can we do about Vegas? As the pundits analyze the Las Vegas shooting, the same questions will be analyzed ad nauseam. What was his…