Tag: mull on that
Oct. 24, 2014
Mull On That | Mobile devices rid our minds of imagination
I stood in line today at Starbucks, and most people stood staring at their phones. I get that. It sucks to be in line, but…

Oct. 10, 2014
Mull On That | Do more than the bare minimum, help others
When I was in high school, I overheard two of my classmates discussing assignments for a course. The gist of what they were saying was,…

Sep. 26, 2014
Mull On That | Climate, interconnectivity affects humans globally
This week’s philosophical read delves into the ethics and ideas of Tetsuro Watsuji, whose extensive background in Western philosophy as well as his effort to…
Aug. 22, 2014
Mull on that | Beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder
I recently watched “Dead Poets Society,” one of my favorite movies, in honor of Robin Williams. His character, Mr. Keating, famously asked the boys to…
Aug. 8, 2014
Mull on That | The wide world of logical fallacies
Nobody likes to argue, but when you’re wrong, you’re wrong! Of course, there are many ways to be wrong when we argue, and we call…
Jul. 25, 2014
Mull on That | It’s your duty to read about deontology!
Hear ye, Kantian fans! Hear my maxims! Deontological ethics, or the study of the nature of duty, is a form of normative ethics that stands…
Jul. 11, 2014
Mull on That | Utilitarianism: its many and varied forms
Have you ever been the butt of a joke? The victim of hounding and bullying? Did your best friend poke too much fun this time?…
Jun. 27, 2014
Mull on That | Moral positivism and you
This column, entitled “Mull Over That,” (although grammatically incorrect since the article is “this article” and is right here, right before your eyeballs as opposed…