Tag: malty
May. 30, 2014
Brooklyn Brewery’s pale ale provides malty flavors
At one time, New York’s Brooklyn borough was a prominent brewing center in the United States. In 1900, it boasted 48 breweries and produced a…
Apr. 11, 2014
North Coast Brewing Co. Makes Refreshing Pilsner
With springtime upon us, it’s time to start enjoying one of my favorite beer styles, Pilsner. This light lager style is typically hops-forward, with crisp…
Feb. 21, 2014
Small Craft Warning packs super strong, malty flavors
With the start of spring just one month away, it’s time to start enjoying some pilsner beer. Pilsner is a type of hoppy light lager,…
Nov. 15, 2013
Brooklyn Brewery’s Winter Ale highlights toffee flavors
Every brewery has its own unique and interesting story, and Brooklyn Brewery is certainly no exception. Co-founder Steve Hindy spent six years as a Middle…
Sep. 20, 2013
Paulaner Oktoberfest Wiesn delivers malty, smooth taste
Every year, thirsty flocks of wide-eyed travelers wander into southern Germany with one purpose — to drink and celebrate beer! Oktoberfest, which is German for…
Apr. 26, 2013
Bourbon barrels lend malty vanilla notes to Heresy beer
Last week I wrote about Weyerbacher’s Insanity, a barrel aged barleywine. Well, this week I couldn’t resist cracking open Heresy, the bourbon barrel-aged version of…