Tag: homework
Sep. 18, 2024
Guide to Drexel’s online resources
Need to find your course materials? Need to register for classes? Need to (despite how much it makes you gag) look at your university bill?…

Feb. 2, 2024
Should paid homework software be mandatory?
Part of being a student is struggling with the escalating costs of education. Whether it is tuition or textbooks, the financial burden might sometimes feel…

Mar. 13, 2020
Taking a break from the intensity of the college atmosphere
One of the things that makes college so stressful and overwhelming is that there is no getting away from it. It’s always clinging to us…
Mar. 6, 2020
Rethink what it means to be ‘productive’ as a college student
Recently, I’ve been finding myself reminiscing on my time as a college student because I’m now very close to the end of my college career.…

Feb. 28, 2020
Be selective in your studying to overcome a surplus of homework
It’s the end of week eight; you pull up the week nine tab on BBLearn for one of your classes, see the amount of assigned…
Feb. 14, 2020
College does not have to be your only job
The first time I considered the idea of having any kind of job while in college, my first thought was, “Yeah that’s not happening for…

Nov. 22, 2019
Finding a way to invest yourself in what you study
Studying is difficult. I don’t care what anyone else ever told you about college: One thing that will always ring true is that studying is…

Apr. 12, 2019
Staying ahead of your classes
It’s already week two of spring quarter and your classes are probably about to kick it into high gear if they haven’t already. That said,…

Apr. 12, 2019
Readjusting from co-op
For the past nine months, I haven’t had any traditional homework. I had a full-time summer job at home, six months at my co-op and…

Nov. 2, 2018
Stop studying where you sleep
I have always had a lot of trouble finding the perfect spot to study or do homework. Whether your environment has distractions or is just…