Tag: George W. Bush
Mar. 1, 2019
The Great Regression: America in the last 50 years
The year 2019 offers several landmark dates: the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, the 70th of the founding of NATO and the 30th…
Feb. 15, 2019
Afghanistan: The United States’ longest and most unjust war
We got into Afghanistan without thinking it through. We effectively abandoned the fight there within a year, as the George W. Bush regime began to…
Nov. 30, 2018
George W. Bush’s image is being wrongfully whitewashed
George Orwell must be tired of turning over in his grave in the age of President Donald Trump, but the biggest whopper of all has…
Feb. 12, 2016
All signs point to yet another war president
Let’s face it, folks: We have another War President on our hands. And, if Hillary or Marco or anybody but Bernie is elected this year,…
Oct. 24, 2014
US tries to rewrite history with new Vietnam timeline
Three years ago, as we were ending our disastrous war in Iraq, Barack Obama, who first emerged on the national scene by warning against it…