Tag: chop
Nov. 3, 2023
Drexel Dance Marathon wins national awards
Drexel Dance Marathon, an organization dedicated to supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, including Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, won two nationally recognized awards at the Dance…
Sep. 18, 2023
Drexel still waiting for first conference win
After a decent non-Conference start, Drexel’s women’s soccer team has had trouble getting back in the rhythm of the CAA. After losses against Hofstra (2:3)…

Jul. 28, 2017
Fry named in wage equity suit
Drexel University President John A. Fry’s name appeared in a recently amended lawsuit that identified Philadelphia leaders against the City’s new “wage equity law” — a…
Aug. 8, 2014
Research ‘dream teams’ announced
Two medical research “dream teams” were announced July 30 as a result of the partnership formed Nov. 13, 2013, between Drexel, The Children’s Hospital of…

Dec. 3, 2013
Fry announces new research partnership
President John A. Fry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem President Menahem Ben-Sasson and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia CEO Steven Altschuler announced a research consortium Nov. 11.…