Tag: Beer Reviews
Aug. 9, 2013
Complex ‘Dirty Bastard’ is whisky’s mahogany cousin
Like Ron Burgundy and many other dignified gentlemen, I enjoy sipping Scotch whisky from time to time, preferably while quietly reposing on a large piece…
Jul. 12, 2013
Victory’s Summer Love is the perfect BBQ brew
Tucked away in the quaint, quiet suburb of Downingtown, Pa., in the depths of an ill-fitting industrial park, there is a hidden gem. Amid towering…
Jan. 18, 2013
Weyerbacher’s ‘Idiot’ features cherry note
Last week I mentioned that barleywines are good candidates for aging. What I failed to mention is that I actually have a beer-aging operation in…
Oct. 19, 2012
Heavy Flemish Ale blends both sweet and sour flavors
Most beers are brewed using a strain of the Saccharomyces genus of yeast, which has been selected over time to provide a specific flavor profile.…
Sep. 28, 2012
Celebrate autumn with Oktoberfest beverages
Munich recently began the world’s largest beer festival, namely Oktoberfest, which is ironically held in September. The festival traditionally runs for the 15 days prior…
Aug. 17, 2012
Sunshine Pils balances tang with toasty sweetness
The beer for this week is the third in a series I’m doing this summer on Troegs Anthology No. 1 variety pack. This case features…
May. 18, 2012
Mongo Double IPA is the biggest, baddest
Most people prefer fairly balanced beers. The combination of malt and hops provides a fairly complex taste, balancing sweetness from the malt with bitterness from…