Tag: beer review
Nov. 21, 2014
Sweet Baby Jesus and Blah Blah Blah beers offer signature notes
I wouldn’t expect a place called Miller’s to serve a wide array of beers. Honestly, when I saw the restaurant, I assumed that Miller beer…

Oct. 24, 2014
Pumking dubbed king of seasonally flavored beers
Years ago, by pure happenstance, I managed to stumble upon one of the better beers out there. This one began my love of a brewery…

Apr. 11, 2014
North Coast Brewing Co. Makes Refreshing Pilsner
With springtime upon us, it’s time to start enjoying one of my favorite beer styles, Pilsner. This light lager style is typically hops-forward, with crisp…
Jul. 26, 2013
Stone’s RuinTen contains perfect, bold hoppy flavor
Like many other beer lovers, India pale ale is the style that first turned me on to craft beer. The American version of IPA is…
Jun. 28, 2013
Ommegang’s Hennepin Saison is spicy, complex
Farmhouse ales, or saisons, which is French for “seasons,” are so named because they were traditionally brewed as refreshments for farmhands in rural Belgium. Because…
Jun. 7, 2013
Subtle hop character in Vermont Spring Bock
Vermont is perhaps best known for its charming small towns, exquisite maple syrup and roving throngs of bearded hippies. But Vermont is also home to…
Mar. 15, 2013
Imperial India contains sweet taste, piny aroma
As the weather has warmed up, I have begun to crave some more hops. I love barleywines, especially during the winter, but I’ve been suffering…
Feb. 8, 2013
Bombardier resembles a Belgian beer with lacing
This week I’m finishing up a series on English beers. So far I have tried three barleywines and a nice special bitter to break up…
Dec. 7, 2012
Chocolate stout surprises with raspberry flavoring
One of the more recent trends in brewing has been to use a wider variety of ingredients, especially compared to beers produced early in the…
Nov. 30, 2012
Vanilla wood releases sweetness in Scotch ale
This week I tasted the third beer in a series I’m doing: Innis & Gunn’s Rum Cask. This beer is a scotch ale, which is…