Tag: Autism
Oct. 6, 2023
How Drexel student organizations promote mental health
An increasing college student mental health crisis demands attention be given to the various services available on Drexel University’s campus. There are several student organizations…

Jul. 30, 2019
Swinging for the Fences: Alternative Baseball comes to Philadelphia
Taylor Duncan, above, is up to bat at an Alternative Baseball League game. His push for a more inclusive baseball experience has garnered the attention…
Apr. 26, 2019
Autism Speaks: they don’t speak for the spectrum
It has been almost surreal, for the past eight years, to see the changing perception of the autism spectrum — especially in the media. From…

Dec. 7, 2018
Autism summit connects neurodiverse students and employers
The Drexel Autism Support Program held an event Nov. 27 at The Study at University City called “Autism at Work Summit: University Series.” The “Autism at…

May. 18, 2018
More research on autism is needed
In 2006, it was projected that 1 in every 110 children were diagnosed on the autism spectrum, one that includes disorders such as autism, Asperger’s…

Apr. 20, 2018
Don’t be fooled by pseudoscientific “facts” online
From fake news articles to clickbait “facts,” the internet has given rise to massive misinformation campaigns that make you question how gullible people actually are.…

Oct. 13, 2017
Vitamins during pregnancy make disability less likely
New research led by Drexel University shows that women who took multivitamins during pregnancy are less likely to have a child with autism and a…

Apr. 7, 2017
Saying goodbye to “Sesame Street”
Since Donald Trump was elected president Nov. 8, America has gone amazingly topsy turvy, as he has followed through on his numerous campaign promises and…

Mar. 10, 2017
My life with Asperger’s
I was told six years ago that I had Asperger’s syndrome. Up until that point, I subconsciously knew that I was different in some sort…
Feb. 17, 2017
Defending the neurodiverse
It’s amazing when you look high up in our government how much garbage you can find. We have Betsy DeVos, who doesn’t know the very…