Tag: animals
Jul. 28, 2023
Larger than life lanterns at the Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival
Everyday from June 21 to Aug. 13, the Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival is being held at Franklin Square from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. The…

Mar. 15, 2019
Triangle Talks with Therapy Dogs’ owner
Janine Erato is the owner of Drexel’s therapy dogs: Chai and Espresso. She brings Chai and Espresso to campus events throughout the term. This interview…

Mar. 3, 2017
Eat more veggies, save more lives
Although vegetarianism has been popularized for many years and has influenced most restaurants and stores to carry more meat-free options, its more extreme cousin, veganism,…

Jun. 3, 2016
Triangle Talks with Faith Roser
Faith Roser is a graduating senior who majored in biological sciences. Faith hails from York County and has interests including but not limited to animals,…

Jun. 3, 2016
A letter to Harambe
Dear Harambe, Thank you. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for many things. I never…

Jul. 25, 2014
Military tech used to protect snakes
Drexel University biologists are collaborating in an effort to save northern pine snakes from extinction using military technology. Researchers have implanted transmitters into the snakes…

Feb. 21, 2014
Moo Over This | Lions and tigers and bears—all mine!
Exotic animal possession is an increasing controversy in the United States. The phrase “exotic animals” includes all big cat species, bears, wolves, non-human primates, alligators,…
May. 18, 2012
Temple Grandin lectures on animals and autism
Temple Grandin gave a lecture May 15 at the Academy of Natural Sciences about the thought processes of people and animals at an event co-sponsored…