Tag: women’s rights
Jul. 22, 2022
‘It’s been devastating:’ Drexel community reacts to reversal of Roe
Roe v. Wade is a 1973 case that made abortion legal on a federal level. On May 3, 2022, a Supreme Court ruling to overturn…

Oct. 26, 2018
The influence of suffragettes
A personal favorite time of mine within not only American, but world history, is the rise of the suffrage movement. From the first women’s rights…

Jan. 19, 2018
March on, ladies
Jan. 21, 2017, thousands of people flocked to Washington, and many other thousands gathered in across the country to march and bring awareness to the…

May. 20, 2016
What feminism really means
About a week ago, I read an article in The Odyssey titled “I’m a Female and I’m So Over Feminists.” Essentially, the piece was written…

Apr. 24, 2015
What feminism means in today’s world
Emma Watson’s United Nations speech, Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz’s sparking a revolution and Steve Santagati being ripped apart on national television for his views on catcalling are only several of the…

Apr. 11, 2014
Porn industry needs regulation
On Feb. 14, a Duke University freshman under the pseudonym “Lauren” came forward to the Duke Chronicle, the student newspaper, as a porn star who…
May. 17, 2013
Infanticide case causes controversy
Bei Bei Shuai, a Chinese immigrant from Shanghai, was charged March 14, 2011, with the murder of her daughter, Angel, by Marion County, Ind. According…