Tag: Westphal college
Jun. 9, 2023
WestPhest 2023: senior exhibitions are here!
As the 2022-2023 academic year winds down for the summer, the Drexel University departments are hosting events to highlight their seniors and their final projects…
May. 17, 2019
Drexel, West Philly are ready for Lawn Jawn on May 18
Mark your calendars for May 18 for an afternoon with two simple yet quintessential Philadelphia words: Lawn Jawn. Back in the fall of 2011, Drexel…

Mar. 9, 2012
Westphal College presents array of media arts and design exhibits
The students of Drexel University’s Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design areinthe middle oftheirown March Madness, presenting a multitude ofdifferentperformances, presentations and exhibits…