Tag: nuclear weapons
Mar. 9, 2018
Russia has much bigger arms than us
The stakes have never been higher for the United States, as the pressure significantly escalated in the global arms race when Russian president, Vladimir Putin…

Nov. 10, 2017
The U.S. is playing chicken with North Korea
Chicken: When two agents with the freedom to choose non-conflicting paths deliberately choose to travel on a path of imminent collision, each hoping that its…

Oct. 27, 2017
Playing a bad game of Russian roulette
We live in a deeply, perhaps uniquely dangerous moment. The Western imagination has been haunted for two millennia by the idea of apocalypse — of…

Apr. 26, 2013
Will North Korea attack?
No. North Korea will not strike South Korea first under rational circumstances because the North Korean military has fatal weak points, even when compared to…