Tag: NSA
May. 8, 2015
NSA unlikely to face justice
The National Security Agency was finally challenged in a civilian court and the results are in: Unwarranted surveillance and mass storage of telephone metadata, is,…

Jun. 6, 2014
Edward Snowden, patriot
The “debate” over Edward Snowden, framed by those who denounce him and the media sycophants who follow them, is epitomized by the question of whether…
Jun. 4, 2014
Tech Tuesday – June 3, 2014
App Alert: Check On a campus where managing 20 credits, three extra-curricular activities and an on-campus job isn’t the exception, it can be difficult remembering…

Feb. 14, 2014
NSA violating privacy
Nearly 250,000 Americans contacted their congresspeople Feb. 11 about ending the mass surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency, according to the Electronic Frontier…