Tag: New York Times
Feb. 16, 2024
New 76ers arena fouls out with locals
Since Aug. of 1996, the Wells Fargo Center in South Philadelphia has been home of the NBA Philadelphia 76ers, as well as the Philadelphia Flyers.…

Nov. 8, 2019
Amy Klobuchar visits Philadelphia on campaign tour
Senator Amy Klobuchar has been campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination for nearly nine months, but on Monday Nov. 4, 2019 she paid her first…

Apr. 10, 2014
The value of national media coverage for Drexel
Many mass media articles that bounce around campus via word of mouth and social media — particularly among the student body — reflect Drexel in…
Oct. 4, 2013
Times columnist speaks to Drexel women
New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof took the stage Sept. 26 in Drexel’s Main Building auditorium to address the continuing issue of women’s inequality.…