Tag: Millennials
Mar. 16, 2018
March for your life
This generation of kids are lazy, apathetic, and the only thing they care about are their smartphones — it’s exactly what many people today think…

Mar. 9, 2018
Even money hates millennials
The Millennial generation seems to be all anyone can talk about these days. Whether the discussion is memes or financial wellness, members of older generations…

Nov. 4, 2016
You have the most to lose
Most millennials aren’t overly excited about the Nov. 8 election this year, and it’s easy to understand why. Many are disillusioned by both Hillary Clinton…

Apr. 3, 2015
Millennials are not as progressive as they appear
Earlier last month, the University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity was disbanded after a video of some of its members chanting, “There will never…

Oct. 31, 2014
Millennials pushing for Republicans
Each Election Day, citizens make their way to the polls to cast their votes in the general elections. Or so we are supposed to. A…