Tag: medicine
Apr. 17, 2020
‘Policing Pandemics’ on the dangers of criminalization during pandemic
Criminology and the medical industry might not seem connected at first. TheBody, a well-known HIV/AIDS resource, proved otherwise in a webinar that took place on…
Jun. 7, 2019
Ayurvedic medicine still has yet to make it to the west
I had never quite mastered the art of remaining silent, but when I entered the room of the clinic, I didn’t say a word. I…

Nov. 30, 2018
Triangle Talks with Hope Smith
Hope Smith is a veteran U.S. Army medic and student at Drexel University. She has served for about a decade. She is a nursing major…

Nov. 30, 2018
Seeing the world differently: a Drexel study abroad column
The journey of a Drexel University pre-medical student to Lima, Peru gave her hands-on experience that has propelled her interest in the medical field, while…
Nov. 16, 2018
WKDU needs to showcase more balanced opinions
I was pretty surprised to flip radio stations the other day and come across two men discussing the ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine. I could…

Jul. 27, 2018
Drexel STEM students get opportunity to earn teacher certificates
The Drexel University School of Education received a $1.2 million grant to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to earn their teaching certificates in fields related…
Jan. 26, 2018
We’re all responsible for fixing the opioid crisis
Every day, at least 10 Pennsylvanians die due to an opioid overdose. That is 70 people each week, 3,100 people every month. And these statistics…

May. 5, 2017
Is Midazolam too cruel?
Recently, Arkansas set out to execute eight death row inmates in an 11 day span. The reason for the rushed and condensed executions? The state’s…

May. 5, 2017
The Arkansas death circus
Arkansas: Isn’t that the place the Clintons came from? Yes, indeed. And some of us will remember that the Man From Hope, as Bill Clinton…

Feb. 10, 2017
Have a heart this Valentine’s Day
While shopping for Valentine’s’ gifts for my girlfriend this year, among all the heart-shaped merchandise, I found myself thinking about how not everyone has a…