Tag: Greece
Feb. 4, 2016
Triangle Talks with Rebecca Olsho
Rebecca Olsho is a self-proclaimed travel fanatic and has visited many countries during her time at Drexel. She is a fourth-year undergraduate student studying International…

May. 23, 2014
Unintended consequences
Throughout history, we’ve witnessed the ascension of fringe political parties into power when their economies were in prolonged downturn and their citizens were unhappy. The…
May. 25, 2012
Once again Greece tries to exit
Shawkat Hammoudeh Greece has been a hot topic recently, and it needs a detailed plan on how it can orderly exit the eurozone. The…
Nov. 11, 2011
Steps for exiting the Eurozone
Shawkat Hammoudeh My correspondences with my European co-authors during the last two months have concentrated on whether Greece, Portugal and Spain should stay within…