Tag: grades
Jul. 28, 2023
Grade degradation: why Drexel should subtract “minuses” from its grading scale
The concept of “minuses” on grades, often referred to as a grading scale with both plus (+) and minus (-) symbols, is a topic of…

May. 21, 2021
Students react to Drexel’s return to normal grading policy
Students will no longer have the option to choose the Pass/No Pass grading option for their classes beginning in summer term 2021, Drexel officials said…

Mar. 13, 2020
Grades are not always an accurate representation of a student’s work
What is a letter or number grade an actual representation of? It’s a question that will stand the test of time, or at least as…

Mar. 9, 2018
Tired of the grading game
After endlessly studying for an exam, you can’t wait to see if those sleepless nights, dozens of espresso shots and never-ending Quizlet flashcards have effectively…

Jan. 12, 2018
Pursuing perfection
Dear professors, In anticipation of the Winter 2017-18 term beginning, I have been preparing myself for the barrage of degradation inherent to grading that I…

Apr. 21, 2017
Taking an incomplete
Drexel can be particularly stressful. With its fast-paced 10-week quarter system on top of co-op and extracurriculars, it can be difficult to find the time…
Feb. 3, 2017
Mastering midterms
Midterms are right around the corner and with Drexel’s fast paced 10-week schedule it can be difficult to keep up with all of your classes.…

Dec. 2, 2016
Adjusting to the Drexel lifestyle
Drexel University is a big school with dozens of programs to choose from, fruitful with opportunity and thriving with people trying to do something with…

Dec. 2, 2016
So you think you’re a failure
Much like co-op interview requests and taxes, we don’t like to acknowledge finals week until we absolutely have to. Regardless, whether you like it or…

Jan. 18, 2013
Dear Granny and Eloise
Dear Granny and Eloise, After coming back to Drexel, I realized how badly I’ve been eating over break. All those holiday hams and desserts —…