Tag: finals
Feb. 28, 2020
Some quick mindfulness tips to help you prepare for finals week
With midterms wrapping up, Drexel’s students are getting ready to switch gears and begin preparing for finals week, which will be here before we know…
Jun. 30, 2017
Work overload
Eyes burning with exhaustion, body aching with fatigue, you tirelessly produce essay after essay, all while in the midst of cramming for finals. Energy as…
Apr. 21, 2017
Taking an incomplete
Drexel can be particularly stressful. With its fast-paced 10-week quarter system on top of co-op and extracurriculars, it can be difficult to find the time…
Dec. 2, 2016
So you think you’re a failure
Much like co-op interview requests and taxes, we don’t like to acknowledge finals week until we absolutely have to. Regardless, whether you like it or…
Jun. 3, 2016
Bauer: stakes high for LeBron in the NBA Finals
LeBron James is 2-4 in NBA Finals series in his career. His detractors cite that admittedly poor record when criticizing him, be it in the…
Mar. 15, 2013
Finals drive undergraduates to illegal Adderall use
Finals week officially begins March 18 on Drexel University’s campus, and the days and weeks leading up to it pit many students against a bevy…