Tag: corporations
Feb. 22, 2019
Amazon would have had contributed to gentrification in NYC
Amazon may swallow the world in the end. But it won’t get Long Island City. That was the big news out of the Big Apple,…

Jan. 11, 2019
Amazon has a history of mistreating its employees
So Amazon became the largest company in the world on Tuesday. Now, you might not know this, but Amazon.com is a company that sells items…

Apr. 27, 2018
The business models that redefined social life
Two iconic American corporations, Starbucks and Facebook, have been getting raked over the coals lately. Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, took what passed for…

Feb. 9, 2018
Humanity has been lost in the Amazon
As the year 1000 AD approached, many in the Christian world expected the Second Coming. As the third millennium approached in 2000, there were also…

Feb. 17, 2017
Donald Trump and the unmaking of the American worker
In a world of lies, it’s sometimes best to seek truth from the devil. It’s true, he’s the Prince of Lies, but the best principle…

Jan. 11, 2013
Corporations, Persons, and Penn State University
Bill Moyers once said, “I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.” Is a corporation a person? That’s not an easy question to answer…