Tag: Clinton
Nov. 11, 2016
Pushing fear aside
Fear is powerful, fear is all-consuming, and this Election Day, fear won out. Republican Donald J. Trump, our new president-elect, won the Electoral College 279-228…

Oct. 14, 2016
Second debate raises concerns
Most of the general public tuned in to watch the second presidential debate the night of Oct. 9, whether they were hoping for entertainment or…

Sep. 30, 2016
Why I’m volunteering for Clinton
Hillary Clinton: many of us hate her, many of us love her and many of us (such as myself) have mixed feelings about her. Never…
Jul. 9, 2016
Democracy at the Nadir
Democracy, as practiced in ancient Athens, consisted of direct citizen participation in government through collective membership in a single, sovereign assembly, which united all three…

May. 20, 2016
A Clinton Sanders ticket
Bernie Sanders never got the time of day from day one. Too old; too Jewish; representing too small a state; a loner who hadn’t even…

May. 13, 2016
Political party suicide
The major party nominees for president in the current election seem set. Donald Trump will now likely amass the 1,237 delegate votes he needs to…

Apr. 15, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s slip of tongue conveys truth
Donald Trump was asked a hypothetical question recently. He gave a candid answer, as is his wont, for if there is one thing that can…