Tag: architecture
Dec. 6, 2024
The path from Drexel to creative freedom: An interview with Chris Hytha
If Chris Hytha ’21, Bachelor of Architecture, was reduced to one word, it would be “versatile.” An alum of the Westphal College of Media Arts…

May. 22, 2020
Filipino architect and forgotten Drexel Dragon, Juan Arellano feature
As the resident news editor for The Triangle for over 13 months, it has been my task to find stories, events, issues, updates, protests and…

Apr. 8, 2016
New IPA ‘The Illinois’ pays homage to architect Frank Lloyd Wright
Architecture, I think, isn’t one of those subjects you really get into when you’re drinking. Unless you’re an architect, in which case it is actually…

Feb. 6, 2015
Architecture or ‘starchitecture’? Morality in construction
The talk at Drexel University this week by the distinguished architecture critic and historian Witold Rybczynski left me with a question I didn’t get a…

May. 23, 2014
Art Deco in Philadelphia
When one thinks of cities with iconic American Art Deco architecture, New York and Los Angeles dominate. The Empire State Building is, of course, our…
May. 8, 2014
Evo lacks style, grace
When taking on the daunting task of quantifying what makes something beautiful, symmetry is the crown jewel. Symmetry expresses an air of purpose and thoughtfulness.…
Apr. 11, 2014
New quad seriously flawed
So, recently, I was watching an episode of The Triangle Live with Sandra Petri (a great Internet YouTube television program, by the way; I recommend…

Oct. 11, 2013
Enviroweekly | Could Drexel LEED us astray?
Ah, the sweet smells of a brand new building —- sort of like a new car but with more paint vapors. The new Gerri C.…
Jul. 26, 2013
Painting over problems
What makes an institution great? Red bricks. Red bricks are a sure sign that an academic institution is committed to its students’ needs and can…
Apr. 12, 2013
Gensler executive ends architecture lecture series
The Farajollah and Maryam Badie Arfaa Lecture Series, a program sponsored by Drexel’s Department of Architecture and Interiors, hosted a lecture titled “The New Currency…