The dreaded time in every term arrives again — midterm season. But unlike every other term, we happen to be in the summer term. It feels so wrong to be studying inside in an old, quiet library with the sunny eighty-one degree weather just outside. It can be difficult to be carefree while juggling the demands of multiple syllabi and keeping track of it all.
One of the most critical factors to look upon is that summer courses are usually more intensive in comparison to the courses offered in other terms. As the workload may be more, it is up to us to create an effective schedule to tackle them. Prioritizing your tasks would be a great starter so you can allocate adequate time needed for each subject. Having constructive study methods such as Active Recall, the Pomodoro technique and the Feynman technique would contribute to a better score in your Gradebook.
Planning a study group session with friends would be great, as long as you have someone to steer you in the right direction rather than go off track. We all know how fast time goes when we hang out with friends. Constantly sticking to your plan of what to cover during the allocated time would be recommended to make this process successful. Last minute cramming and pulling all nighters would not be the healthy option for everyone! Although this might sound a little absurd coming from a college student herself, coffee and caffeinated drinks are highly risky, as they cause rapid heart rate and increased anxiety. A chamomile tea or just water itself is the more preferred suggestion. Hydration of the right and healthy kind is what is important at such a crucial time.
Also, proper sleep is very important to do well on an exam. Disrupting our circadian rhythm has many negative side effects, coming from a nursing major herself. It is essential to avoid feeling sleepy during an exam that holds significant weight — would you not agree? Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset while taking these steps is salient. Acting otherwise would cause a lot of conflict and struggle in our minds, thus hampering our academic progress. Having support from friends or family members also adds to this positive mentality. A motivator or supporter of some kind would help a great deal.
Do not forget, Drexel has its own supporters for you too, such as the Counseling Center, the ARC and the career counselors. Lastly, to reap the benefits of what you have sown, have faith in yourself on the day of the exam. Even if you did not follow a healthy lifestyle as I talked about, but rather pulled all-nighters with excessive caffeine, it is at this moment that all your hard work counts. Being clear-minded and having trust in oneself is what promotes a healthy attitude in the exam hall. With the right outlook, you can ace those exams in a jiffy and still enjoy the sunshine. So, finish up those exams and go reward yourself with a nice, fat scoop of ice cream.