Interview with Emily Briggs- A Shapiro For Pennsylvania Campaign Intern | The Triangle

Interview with Emily Briggs- A Shapiro For Pennsylvania Campaign Intern

Photo by The Office of Governor Tom Wolf

With the upcoming election, there is no better person to hear from than someone who is right in the middle of the action! Emily Briggs, a Communications Intern for the Shapiro for Pennsylvania Campaign, has been spending the last several weeks behind the scenes of the campaign gaining technical skills and seeing just how much hard work goes into a campaign. It’s been an exciting time for her to have this experience during a crucial Pennsylvania election, and I had the opportunity to ask her some questions!  

Q: Many of our readers are voting for the first time, what do you think is the best way to make sure you’re casting an informed vote? Any resources or tips? 
 A: Read up on both candidates, watch interviews from both, and check out other media to see what they have to say on issues that are important to you. Casting your vote is easy, you can do it in person or by mail, all options of voting are safe and secure. If you want to know more info about voting in PA, this link is specifically for first time voters and what to expect: 

Q: Why is it important for college students to submit their ballots, go out to the polls, and remain civically engaged? 

A: The candidates who are on the ballot for governor, or any election, will represent the entire state. It is important for every Pennsylvanian (or student residing in PA) to submit their ballots and make their voices heard. Young people have a lot of power to make the changes they want to see for their country, and one of the easiest ways to be civically engaged is by voting. 

Q: Aside from voting, how can college students/young adults continue to remain civically engaged after an election is over or between election cycles? 

A: Voting is a great first step in becoming civically engaged, but after an election is over it is just as important to let your elected officials know what your thoughts are on policy and the decisions they are making. Call your elected officials, send them emails, go to rallies, talk to other college students and young adults about the issues that are important to you. There are an endless amount of ways to stay involved! 

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about being civically engaged this Fall?  

A: Go out to vote November 8th! As young people it is important that we have a say in who represents us in Harrisburg, and as governor, Josh Shapiro will make sure to represent all Pennsylvanians. Doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, if you’re a Pennsylvanian Josh has your back! 

I couldn’t have said it better myself! Whether it’s your first-time voting or you’re a seasoned pro, I hope you take the time to check out the resource Emily provided, and I can’t wait to see you all rocking your “I Voted” stickers around campus!