Amidst a budget crisis, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) implemented a 7.5% fare increase on Dec. 1, 2024. The fares for buses, subways, trolleys and Regional Rail trains –– all modes of transportation used by countless students in both the Philadelphia area and outside — were increased following SEPTA’s ongoing budget shortfall and expiration of COVID-19 relief funds.
Despite Governor Josh Shapiro’s temporary funding solution, SEPTA pressed that without permanent funding, it needed to “make cuts to service and implement further fare hikes.”
A 7.5 percent fare increase quickly turns into an additional $5 to $12 per week in transportation costs for travelers who need to reach campus for their daily classes, lectures or other academic commitments.
Reactions to SEPTA services have generally been mixed. On one hand, SEPTA is efficient in bypassing the notorious I-95 traffic jams and morning rush; on the other, SEPTA services are known for their frequent delays, unexpected schedule changes and inconsistent performance, all of which continue to disrupt the daily commuting experience for many travelers. A fare increase only heightens frustration among commuters
Many Drexel University students rely on SEPTA’s accessible interregional services, such as the buses, Market-Frankford Line and the Regional Rail to reach campus in a timely and secure manner.
James Samuel Jr., a Drexel University junior and economics student, stated that the Trenton Regional Rail train alleviated the “pretty high gas expenses” that racked up when he used to drive to campus.
“Driving is also mentally draining as you must stay focused the entire time, and it can be very frustrating especially during the morning and evening rush hours,” shared Anna Bokarev, a fourth-year English student who rides the West Trenton line. “During those times of the day, it is increasingly more dangerous, and the commute time is unpredictable.”
A common sentiment amongst train riders is that the train handles the traveling, allowing them to focus on other tasks.
Samuel Jr. enjoys the ability to multitask on his way to campus: “It’s nice to be able to get work done on the train…I realized how much extra time [the train gives] me to get work done when I otherwise would have been driving.”
Johnson Lin, a fourth-year management information systems student, appreciates SEPTA’s proactive staff on the Broad Street Line and trolley lines, who “[ensure] a clean environment for riders.”
“Help can be expected from the workers stationed at each train station if I ever encounter any problem,” Lin added.
Bokarev also values the attitudes and availability of service workers. She particularly respects that SEPTA offers services for “senior travelers to make public transportation more accessible” such as the SEPTA Senior Fare Program, which provides free travel for seniors on all SEPTA transit routes (paid for by the Pennsylvania Lottery).
Calvin Keeys, a senior environmental sciences student, has found “the maps and schedules for each of the services [to be] very detailed and descriptive.”
Despite some areas of satisfaction with SEPTA, several pressing concerns remain unresolved. This includes railroad switch malfunctions, especially during the winter, as SEPTA spokesman Andrew Busch highlighted. Although these switches are equipped with electric heaters, adverse weather conditions can compromise them.
Busch explained, “If a switch does go down, it’s going to cause delays. On Regional Rail, a prolonged delay on one line can easily cascade onto other lines due to the system’s interconnected nature.”
Lin expressed that these major SEPTA delays directly impact his ability to be on time to his classes: “I must switch between two different services — train and trolley — so one delay can cause a chain of delays” which adds to his frustration.
Samuel Jr. shared the same sentiments: “SEPTA is regularly late, which can be especially annoying when my classes end late in the day and I end up having to wait even longer to get a ride home.”
What especially frustrates Samuel Jr. and many other commuting students is “the train [being] held up on the track, sometimes for upwards of half an hour.”
While waiting to go home via the trolley line, Keeys noted the inconsistency of which trollies are on schedule and which are not.
“Sometimes the trolley will come at the expected time and sometimes it will arrive late,” continued Keeys, frustrated as he watches other trolleys pass.
SEPTA’s decision to increase fare prices across all their transportation modes only adds to the growing frustrations students already feel toward the system.
Drexel students may purchase a Key Card for their convenience, allowing them to simply tap at the fare gate rather than purchasing a ticket every time they want to travel to and from campus. Having a Key Card reduces fare prices compared to purchasing a ticket. The [typical] fare was previously $2.00 per ride using the Travel Wallet whereas purchasing a ticket or using cash was $2.50.
“[It] defeats the point of even having one,” Keeys remarked.
SEPTA acknowledged that this increase to match the cash fare creates skepticism about the Key Card’s value, which was once worthwhile due to its lower fares.
Likewise, Samuel Jr. expressed his skepticism, stating, “I’d like to see proof that SEPTA’s costs are somehow increasing to justify the fare hike.” Even so, “the fare hike has not changed my commuting habits directly.”
Similarly, Lin points out the hike “doesn’t affect my commuting habits” because it is still better than driving through the urban Philadelphia area to reach Drexel.
To justify the fare increase, SEPTA’s Chief Operating Officer Scott Sauer stated only about 20 percent of SEPTA’s operating revenues come from fares.
“We want to provide a great service,” he continued, “In order to do that, we need a funding source.”
Despite SEPTA’s mission to increase revenue, SEPTA Board Chair Kenneth Lawrence expressed concern for the long-term effects on SEPTA’s sustainability: “Instead, we are now faced with the very real possibility of shrinking the system and entering into the transit death spiral.”
These conflicting statements from SEPTA representatives do not alleviate the pressing issues.
Lin felt that “the price increase appears to only sustain the current operations rather than enhancing the quality of riding experience.”
Additionally, he believes there will be an increase in people avoiding the fare price — and reducing the revenue collected –– by performing stunts such as jumping over or pushing through the fare gates: “This raises concern for longer term sustainability and [means paying] riders will have to shoulder the burden.”
Samuel Jr. attributes fare avoidance to SEPTA employees, claiming, “I’ve seen a good few conductors just ignore when someone has an old ticket or no fare. It seems to me that that behavior would be encouraged without repercussions.”
Bokarev views lax fare collection as a response to ease up on delays in the system: “My Regional Rail line is very frequently delayed. I’ve noticed that to make up for it, conductors sometimes will avoid scanning Key Cards and collecting fares. Although the idea is good in nature, it does not at all benefit travelers who buy weekly or monthly passes.”
When asked regarding potential future remedies for the SEPTA fare hike, students did not seem hopeful.
“I don’t feel that SEPTA will provide any targeted solutions for students because that will be unfair to everyone else.” Lin did not appreciate the alternative option if he had to stop relying on SEPTA: “[A] Drexel parking pass costs around $500 per quarter. That will be equivalent to 6 months of me riding public transportation.”
Samuel Jr. instead hoped for Drexel to intervene for its commuters, such as sponsoring discounts or passes, both of which could abet student concerns of commuting.
Keeys added, “Drexel already provides discounts for monthly TransPasses and New Jersey Transit” so he suggested the possibility that the university could provide more discounts for all students.
Ultimately, while public transportation remains a necessary means for traveling to and from Drexel for many students, the fare increase underscores frustrations with SEPTA’s reliability and affordability. Without targeted solutions, commuting Drexel students are left to navigate a system that struggles to inspire confidence in reaching campus, even if it is better than alternatives like driving.