*Sponsored*: Technology Innovation Co-Major | The Triangle

*Sponsored*: Technology Innovation Co-Major

As one of LeBow College’s newest co-majors, the co-major/minor in “Technology Innovation Management” has been designed for students with varied backgrounds who seek to understand the strategic implications of new technologies, develop skills in innovative thinking and identify new opportunities concomitant with technological advancement.

The TIM co-major/minor revolves around four core courses coupled with the flexibility to mix and match two electives from a wide variety of cross-listed courses across various disciplines at LeBow. For accounting majors, the TIM co-major specifically helps in developing a fine-grained understanding of how the technological landscape of business is rapidly impacting all aspects of accounting and auditing operations.

For business and engineering majors who want to maximize their dual advantage, the TIM minor is a natural choice. The strategic acumen delivered through the TIM minor is applicable to virtually any area of engineering, because the analytical capability and strategic thinking embedded in all TIM core courses and suggested electives are highly complementary to the B&E curriculum.

Most finance majors know that fintech is one of the fastest growing sectors today and this space is demanding professionals who are not only strong in finance-related skills but also technologically savvy. To complement core knowledge and skills in finance, the TIM co-major can develop deep understanding of how technology plays an integral role in the development and management of financial services and investment products.

A student majoring in legal studies who wants to advance into a career in intellectual property management or IP-based entrepreneurship needs to not only master related laws but also have a deep understanding of technology management and skills in projecting technological and innovation trajectories into the future. The TIM co-major and its curriculum of diverse courses can offer students majoring in legal studies a powerful set of competencies in applying current legal frameworks to emergent technological developments.

It is well accepted that most products and services these days have a strong technological component. The TIM co-major is designed to provide marketing majors with the knowledge and skills to combine technology with all aspects of new product and service development and effective marketing, sales, distribution and customer experience management.

Although the management and information systems major by itself provides a student with a rich grounding in understanding and managing data, the TIM co-major can provide a student majoring in MIS frameworks and techniques to generate rich strategic and operational insights from the data within the broader context of the company and the industry.

Furthermore, rapid progress in technology has already changed — and will continue to change — processes in sourcing, procurement and distribution within and across companies, all of which are areas within operations and supply chain management. The TIM co-major and its rigorous and flexible curriculum will help OSCM major better understand how technology may impact all areas of operations and supply chain management.

Last but not least, for students majoring in sports managementthe TIM co-major and its diverse course offerings will prepare students to develop into professionals who can harness the power of technology in the ever-changing landscape of the sports industry.

There is hardly any career or functional specialization that has not been fundamentally altered by technology. The TIM co-major/minor develops the strategic, analytical, behavioral and organizational skills required to lead effectively with technology.

This is a sponsored article. Dr. Rajiv Nag is Clinical Professor of Management in LeBow College of Business.