Annual engineering and technology career fair draws a crowd | The Triangle

Annual engineering and technology career fair draws a crowd

Photograph by Jeremy Snyder for The Triangle

Over 130 employers were searching for Drexel University students at the annual Engineering and Technology Career Fair held by Feb. 7, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Drexel Recreation Center.

Students weaved through the tables of employers eagerly seeking that one company that would be perfect for their co-op.

“Employers are eager and excited to recruit Drexel talent,” Nicole Dalberto, associate director of career services, said.

She was happy to say the student turnout was great even with the bad weather. Workshops, explaining different formalities and particulars, were held in preparation for the fair. The Steinbright Career Development Center also usually asks employers for feedback on their experience at the Career Fair, and employers usually report that Drexel students are well prepared. For the first time, Steinbright is asking students for their feedback as well.

Another new feature is the Freshman Tour, provided a few hours before the fair begins so freshman can feel more comfortable and more aware of what the Career Fair is like. The tour begins at Steinbright where an upperclassman walks the group to the Career Fair site and gives them a brief overview of what to expect.

The group goes around the fair before all the employers arrive. Any questions are answered throughout the fair and the guide brings up helpful topics like the 30 second pitch, what kinds of questions to ask and how to dress to impress.

Many companies were eager to seek out potential employees. One company, which was experiencing its first time at a Drexel Career Fair expressed how it was a great opportunity to see others’ interests and discover what different companies’ work environments are like. The recruiters emphasised how important a good work environment was and how fortunate they were to have such a collaborative and supportive environment at their place of work.

A Drexel alumni working at one of the booths  mentioned how much Drexel has grown and how the career fair evolved. He was impressed by how there were career fairs for individual majors now and how many companies came. He also expressed how it raised the value of a Drexel degree and how the career fair provided wonderful opportunities.

Opinions were mixed at the career fair amongst students, with some saying they though the previous year’s fair was better in terms of the majors that employers were looking for. A few mentioned that the fair was dominated by computer science and computer engineering.

According to Drexel’s employer list most were only looking for computer engineering, computer science, engineering technology or information systems majors. This document also provides information on the company’s name, website, employment opportunities, their position types and if they accommodate international students.