Drexel offering new academic programs, including Climate Change Minor | The Triangle

Drexel offering new academic programs, including Climate Change Minor

Photograph courtesy of jmh485 at Wikimedia Commons.

Drexel University is known for having over 80 diverse undergraduate majors, and even more than 100 minors to supplement their education in a way they see fit.

Nonetheless, the scope of education transforms as time progresses, and it is important for a collegiate institution to provide resources that change with it. With that being said, the University plans on adding eight new undergraduate majors, two undergraduate minors, and a plethora of graduate programs, certificates and courses.

The Climate Change minor is one interesting addition being offered within the College of Arts and Sciences, and it reinforces Drexel’s position to build tomorrow’s leader.

According to the course catalog, the new Climate Change minor “provides an overview of the Earth’s climate system and the science of climate change, as well as how to understand, mitigate, and adapt to its potential impacts from varied disciplinary perspectives.”

In order to complete this minor, prospective students will need to take an array of classes spread over the disciplines of environmental science, biology, entrepreneurship, and even economics.

With global warming and climate change being serious issues for future generations to face, leaders are needed now with innovative ideas—leaders that are properly educated about the issue in itself.

Drexel is also offering four new undergraduate programs within the LeBow College of Business. From a BS in Economics and Business to a BS in Economics and Public Health, LeBow has many interdisciplinary programs from which undergraduate students can choose from.

The new Economics and Data Science degree is a collaboration between LeBow College of Business and the College of Computing and Informatics. Although the combination of disciplines might seem odd, it represents current market trends within the business industry. With much more data-driven commerce emerging, it is important for students to have business acumen in addition to hard computer and data skills.

With the Drexel community fully returning to campus in the upcoming fall, students will also find more options that can lead to new and innovative career paths.