Tag: WKDU Philadelphia 91.7FM
Sep. 18, 2023
Guide to Drexel student orgs
Drexel University’s campus becomes a hotspot early every September when all the incoming freshmen officially move into the City of Brotherly Love. Locations like the…

Jul. 2, 2021
WKDU organizing week-long celebrations for their 50th anniversary in July
Drexel’s student-run radio station, WKDU, will celebrate its 50th anniversary on July 17. The celebration will be a week-long event starting on July 10 and…

Dec. 7, 2018
Letter from WKDU: Show doesn’t represent the station’s views
To Ben Corbett, With regard to listener Ben Corbett’s Nov. 16 Op-Ed for The Triangle titled “WKDU needs to showcase more balanced opinions,” WKDU…
Oct. 26, 2018
Triangle Talks: WKDU Philadelphia 97.1FM General Manager
Allison Durham is a senior majoring in communication with a concentration in journalism. She has been involved with the WKDU Philadelphia 91.7FM radio station since…