Tag: #nanotechnology
Nov. 3, 2023
Drexel’s underrated research reputation
Philadelphia is a hub for innovation and research, with giants like the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University and Jefferson University constantly pushing out groundbreaking research…
Sep. 29, 2017
Nanodiamonds may make lithium batteries safer
In the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, diamonds are not just for jewelry and drill bits. According to Drexel University professor Yury Gogotsi and his team…
Jul. 28, 2017
Novel material may dramatically increase battery charging speeds
A team of researchers from Drexel University has come up with a new material that allows for extremely fast battery charging speeds. Batteries composed of…
Oct. 29, 2015
Drexel delegation will visit partners over seas in Asia
On Nov. 1, a delegation from Drexel University composed of President John A. Fry and faculty from the Close School of Entrepreneurship, the Antoinette Westphal…
Oct. 1, 2015
KAIST partnership offers new co-ops
A new partnership between Drexel University’s College of Engineering and the Korean Advanced Institute of Technology will allow students from both schools to participate in…